The Division of Animal Influenza has been serving as the National Avian Influenza Reference Laboratory since 2002, and it was selected as the OIE Reference Laboratory for Avian Influenza in 2008 and FAO Reference Centre for animal influenza in 2013. It is a nationally recognized group of innovative professionals and has been acclaimed by the Ministry of Agriculture as well as the Chinese Academy of Agriculture Sciences as such.
The main mission of the division includes: the arbitrative diagnosis of highly pathogenic avian influenza; development of diagnostic and surveillance and analysis of virus variation; vaccine development, evaluation and update; as well as the exploration of the molecular basis for the virulence and host range of the avian influenza viruses. The research achievements of this division should provide technical consultation and products support to national policy regarding the control and prevention of animal influenza.
The division has successfully developed a series of avian influenza vaccines and diagnostic reagents, thereby setting two national standards. For this work, this division has been granted 7 national patents, as well as 12 certificates for novel veterinarian drugs. It has received more than 10 Ministry/Province level awards for technological Advancement (first class) for the successful development and application of the reverse genetics inactivated avian influenza vaccine, and a National Award for Technological Innovation (Second class) for the development and application of the
recombinant and application of the recombinant Newcastle disease virus vectored avian influenza live vaccine. This division has also published more than 50 SCI papers in PNAS, PloS Pathogens, Journal of Virology as well as other assortments of journals, which have been collectively cited more than 1500 times.