The research team on animal influenza prevention and control published a review article in Trends in Biotechnology-Research Progress-HARBIN VETERINARY RESEARCH INSTITUTE,CAAS
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Equine Infectious Diseases and Lentiviruses Division

  This division works on the important equine viral diseases, including equine infectious anemia, equine influenza, equine arteritis, and equine rhinopneumonitis. The research interests are on the pathogen-host interaction in the immune response to virus infection, the epidemiology, and vaccinology. Equine Infectious Anemia Virus (EIAV) and HIV-1 are members of lentivirus family and have been studied in this lab to understand the mechanism of interaction between innate immune system and virus infection. This division is an OIE reference laboratory for equine infectious anemia.


Xiaojun Wang,Ph.D., Professor


Academic Education:
2003 2006: PhD (Virology)  Harbin Veterinary Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Agriculture  Sciences (CAAS), China 
1999 2003: MSc (Microbiology) Harbin Veterinary Research Institute, CAAS, Harbin
1996 1999: BSc (Veterinary Medicine) University of Inner Mongolia for the Nationalities, China  


1. Member

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