The research team on animal influenza prevention and control published a review article in Trends in Biotechnology-Research Progress-HARBIN VETERINARY RESEARCH INSTITUTE,CAAS
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High-consequence Swine Viral Diseases Division

We are engaged in basic research in the laboratory and strategic and applied research and development in the field aimed at controlling or eliminating several high-consequence swine viral diseases in China, including classical swine fever (CSF), African swine fever (ASF) and Aujeszky's disease (AD). Our interests cover epidemiology, regulation of viral replication, pathogenesis, immunoprotection mechanisms, novel vaccines and diagnostic assays for these diseases. We have developed several marker vaccines against CSF based on pseudorabies virus or adenovirus/ alphavirus replicon vector. We have published more than 80 papers in SCI-indexed journals including 6 in Journal of Virology.

Huaji Qiu, Ph.D., Professor
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He has focused on Virus-host interactions, regulation of viral replication, virulence determinants of viruses and development of diagnostic assays and marker vaccines of classical swine fever, African swine fever and pseudorabies. He has published 130 peer-reviewed papers, including 51 papers in SCI-indexed journals, such as Journal of Virology, Vaccine, Antiviral Research, Veterinary Microbiology, etc.
1998-2001, Northeast Agricultural University, PhD degree
1996-1998, Northeast Agricultural University, MSc degree
1986-1991, Huazhong Agricultural University, BSc degree
1. Member

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