Selection of an aptamer against Muscovy duck parvovirus for highly sensitive rapid visual detection by label-free aptasensor-最新论文-保定市金诺兽药研究所


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Selection of an aptamer against Muscovy duck parvovirus for highly sensitive rapid visual detection by label-free aptasensor

Lu T1, Ma Q1, Yan W1, Wang Y1, Zhang Y1, Zhao L1, Chen H2

Talanta. 2018 Jan 1;176:214-220


Muscovy duck parvovirus (MDPV) causes high mortality and morbidity in ducks. This study investigated a novel aptamer-based, label-free aptasensor detection of MDPV. In this study, we developed an ssDNA aptamer using the filtration partition and lambda exonuclease method with an affinity-based monitor and counter-screening process. After 15 rounds of SELEX (systematic evolution of ligands by exponential enrichment), the ssDNA aptamer Apt-10, which specifically bound to MDPV with high affinity (Kd = 467nM) was successfully screened, and the aptamer was also found to be good specific to MDPV. The selected Apt-10 aptamer can be used to distinguish MDPV and goose parvovirus (GPV). Three-dimensional structural analysis of the Apt-10 aptamer indicated that it folded into a compact stem-loop motif, which was related to its high affinity. Finally, a label-free detection method based on unmodified gold nanoparticles and Apt-10 aptamer was developed for MDPV determination. The concentration of Apt-10 aptamer at 5μM was optimal for MDPV determination in the label-free aptasensor. Excellent linearity was acquired and the lowest detection limit was 1.5 or 3 EID50 (50% egg infection dose) of MDPV, respectively, depending upon spectrophotometry or the naked eye were used. These results show the potential of the aptamer for the rapid detection of MDPV and antiviral research.


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