李呈军,男,博士,研究员,博士生导师,动物流感基础与防控研究创新团队首席科学家助理,哈尔滨兽医研究所学术委员会委员,国家自然科学基金“优秀青年科学基金”获得者,2016年入选科技部创新人才推进计划“中青年科技创新领军人才”和中国农业科学院“科研英才培育工程”。2000年以来,一直致力于流感病毒的研究工作,研究重点主要集中在病毒进化、变异、致病、复制调控以及宿主抗病毒免疫的机制。美国病毒学会会员,Virology Journal期刊副栏目编辑,Journal of Virology,Vaccine,Scientific Reports,PLoS One,Virology Journal和Journal of Medical Virology等期刊的审稿专家。主持和参加了国家自然科学基金优秀青年科学基金项目、面上项目、创新研究群体项目、十三五国家重点研发计划、人社部留学回国人员择优资助项目等多项禽流感研究项目。近年来,在Nature,Science,Nature Microbiology,PNAS等国际着名杂志发表SCI收录文章40多篇,被SCI论文引用超过2900次。其中,以第一或通讯作者在Nature Microbiology,PNAS,Trends in Biotechnology,Journal of Virology等杂志发表SCI论文14篇,被SCI论文他引600多次。曾获黑龙江省科技进步一等奖1项,中国农业科学院杰出科技创新奖1项。
1996.09-2000.06 河北农业大学 兽医专业 学士
2000.09-2005.06 中国农科院研究生院 预防兽医学专业 博士
2005.07-2005.09 中国农科院哈尔滨兽医研究所 助理研究员
2005.10-2010.04 美国威斯康星(麦迪逊)大学 博士后
2010.05-2012.10 美国威斯康星(麦迪逊)大学 助理科学家
2012.10-今 中国农科院哈尔滨兽医研究所 研究员
2016.04-今 中国农科院哈尔滨兽医研究所 首席科学家助理
(2)、国家自然科学基金面上项目,31472215,流感病毒M2 蛋白与宿主蛋白的相互作用及其分子机制研究,2015/01-2018/12,79万元,项目负责人
(1)、Zhu P, Liang L, Shao X, Luo W, Jiang S, Zhao Q, Sun N, Zhao Y, Li J, Wang J, Zhou Y, Zhang J, Wang G, Jiang L, Chen H*, Li C*. 2017. Host cellular protein TRAPPC6A△ interacts with influenza A virus M2 protein and regulates viral propagation by modulating M2 trafficking. Journal of Virology 91(1):e01757-16.
(2)、Wang X, Gu L, Shi J, Xu H, Zhang Y, Zeng X, Deng G, Li C*, Chen H*. 2017. Development of a real-time RT-PCR method for the detection of newly emerged highly pathogenic H7N9 influenza viruses. Journal of Integrative Agriculture 16:2055-2061.
(3)、Li C?, Hatta M?, Burke DF?, Ping J?, Zhang Y?, Ozawa M, Taft AS, Das SC, Hanson AP, Song J, Imai M, Wilker PR, Watanabe T, Watanabe S, Ito M, Iwatsuki-Horimoto K, Russell CA, James SL, Skepner E, Maher EA, Neumann G, Klimov AI, Kelso A, McCauley J, Wang D, Shu Y, Odagiri T, Tashiro M, Xu X, Wentworth DE, Katz JM, Cox NJ, Smith DJ*, Kawaoka Y*. 2016. Selection of antigenically advanced variants of seasonal influenza viruses. Nature Microbiology 1(6):16058.
(4)、Liang L?, Deng G?, Shi J, Wang S, Zhang Q, Kong H, Gu C, Guan Y, Suzuki Y, Li Y, Jiang Y, Tian G, Liu L, Li C*, Chen H* 2015. Genetics, Receptor Binding, Replication, and Mammalian Transmission of H4 Avian Influenza Viruses Isolated from Live Poultry Markets in China. Journal of Virology 90:1455-1469.
(5)、Li C, Chen H*. 2014. Enhancement of influenza virus transmission by gene reassortment. Current Topics in Microbiology and Immunology 385:185-204.
(6)、Li C, Bu Z, Chen H*. 2014. Avian influenza vaccines against H5N1 'bird flu'. Trends in Biotechnology 32:147-156.
(7)、Deng G?, Tan D?, Shi J, Cui P, Jiang Y, Liu L, Tian G, Kawaoka Y, Li C*, Chen H*. 2013. Complex reassortment of multiple subtypes of avian influenza viruses in domestic ducks at the Dongting Lake Region of China. Journal of Virology 87:9452-9462.
(8)、Shi J?, Deng G?, Liu P, Zhou J, Guan L, Li W, Li X, Guo J, Wang G, Fan J, Wang J, Li Y, Jiang Y, Liu L, Tian G, Li C*, Chen H*. Isolation and characterization of H7N9 viruses from live poultry markets—Implication of the source of current H7N9 infection in humans. 2013, Chinese Science Bulletin 58(16):1857-1863.
(9)、Li C?, Bankhead A 3rd?, Eisfeld AJ, Hatta Y, Jeng S, Chang JH, Aicher LD, Proll S, Ellis AL, Law GL, Waters KM, Neumann G, Katze MG, McWeeney S*, Kawaoka Y*. 2011. Host regulatory network response to infection with highly pathogenic H5N1 avian influenza virus. Journal of Virology 85:10955-10967.
(10)、Li C, Hatta M*, Nidom CA, Muramoto Y, Watanabe S, Neumann G, Kawaoka Y*. 2010. Reassortment between avian H5N1 and human H3N2 influenza viruses creates hybrid viruses with substantial virulence. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 107:4687-4692.
(11)、Li C, Hatta M, Watanabe S, Neumann G, Kawaoka Y*. 2008. Compatibility among polymerase subunit proteins is a restricting factor in reassortment between equine H7N7 and human H3N2 influenza viruses. Journal of Virology 82:11880-11888.
(12)、Li C, Ping J, Jing B, Deng G, Jiang Y, Li Y, Tian G, Yu K, Bu Z, Chen H*. 2008. H5N1 influenza marker vaccine for serological differentiation between vaccinated and infected chickens. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 372:293-297.
(13)、Li Y?, Li C?, Liu L, Wang H, Wang C, Tian G, Webster RG, Yu K, Chen H*. 2006. Characterization of an avian influenza virus of subtype H7N2 isolated from chickens in northern China. Virus Genes 33:117-122.
(14)、Li C, Yu K, Tian G, Yu D, Liu L, Jing B, Ping J, Chen H*. 2005. Evolution of H9N2 influenza viruses from domestic poultry in Mainland China. Virology 340:70-83.