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2012.09 至今-    中国农业科学院,预防兽医学专业,博士。
2003.01 至今,保定市金诺兽药研究所,助理研究员
1)、Lei Jiang, Wenjun Zhao, Zongxi Han, Yuqiu Chen, Yan Zhao, Junfeng Sun, Huixin Li, Yuhao Shao,Liangliang Liu, Shengwang Liu*.Genome characterization, antigenicity and pathogenicity of a novel infectious bronchitis virus type isolated from south China.Infection, Genetics and Evolution, 2017,54: 437–446
2)、Zongxi Han, Tingting Zhang, Qianqian Xu, Mengying Gao, Yuqiu Chen, Qiuling Wang, Yan Zhao, Yuhao Shao, Huixin Li, Xiangang Kong, Shengwang Liu*, Altered pathogenicity of a tl/CH/LDT3/03 genotype infectious bronchitis coronavirus due to natural recombination in the 5′- 17 kb region of the genome. Virus Research,Virus Research,2016,213:140-148
3)、Wenjun Zhao, Mengying Gao, Qianqian Xu, Yang Xu, Yan Zhao, Yuqiu Chen,Tingting Zhang, Qiuling Wang, Zongxi Han, Huixin Li, Lingfeng Chen, Shuling Liang,Yuhao Shao, Shengwang Liu*. Origin and evolution of LX4 genotype infectious bronchitis coronavirus in China. Veterinary Microbiology,2017(198):9-16
4)、Qianqian Xu, Zongxi Han, Qiuling Wang, Tingting Zhang, Mengying Gao, Yan Zhao, Yuhao Shao, Huixin Li, Xiangang Kong, Shengwang Liu*. Emergence of novel nephropathogenic infectious bronchitis viruses currently circulating in Chinese chicken flocks. Avian Pathology, 2016,45:1, 54-65
5)、Qianqian Xu, Yuqiu Chen, Wenjun Zhao, Tingting Zhang, Chenggang Liu, Tianming Qi, Zongxi Han, Yuhao Shao, Deying Ma ,Shengwang Liu*. Infection of Goose with Genotype VIId Newcastle Disease Virus of Goose Origin Elicits Strong Immune Responses at Early Stage. Frontiers in Microbiology. 2016, 7:1587.
6)、Hai Li , Fengjie Wang , Zongxi Han, Qi Gao, Huixin Li, Yuhao Shao, Nana Sun Shengwang Liu*. Genome-wide gene expression analysis identifies the proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src as a crucial virulence determinant of the infectious laryngotracheitis virus in chicken cells. Journal of Virology, 2016, 90(1):9-21
7)、Qianqian Xu, Zongxi Han, Qiuling Wang, Tingting Zhang, Mengying Gao, Yan Zhao, Yuhao Shao, Huixin Li, Xiangang Kong , Shengwang Liu*, Emergence of Novel Nephropathogenic Infectious Bronchitis Viruses Currently Circulating in Chinese Chicken Flocks, Avian Pathology. 2015, 9:1-37
8)、Yanyan Li, Qianqian Xu, Tingting Zhang, Mengying Gao, Qiuling Wang, Zongxi Han, Yuhao Shao, Deying Ma and Shengwang Liu, Host Avian Beta-Defensin and Toll-Like Receptor Responses of Pigeons following Infection with Pigeon Paramyxovirus Type 1, Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 2015, 81(18):6415-6424
9)、Yang Xu, Tingting Zhang, Qianqian Xu, Zongxi Han, Shuling Liang, Yuhao Shao, Deying Ma ,Shengwang Liu*,Differential modulation of avian β-defensin and Toll-like receptor expression in chickens infected with infectious bronchitis virus, Applied and Microbiology Biotechnology 2015, 99(21):9011-9024
10)、Tingting Zhang, Zongxi Han, Qianqian Xu, Qiuling Wang, Mengying Gao, Wei Wu, Yuhao Shao, Huixin Li, Xiangang Kong, Shengwang Liu*, Serotype shift of a 793/B genotype infectious bronchitis coronavirus by natural recombination, Infection, Genetics and Evolution, 2015, 32:377-387
11)、Wei Wu, Huairan Liu, Tingting Zhang, Zongxi Han, Yanyu Jiang, Qianqian Xu, Yuhao Shao, Huixin Li, Xiangang Kong, Hongyan Chen*, Shengwang Liu* , Molecular and antigenic characteristics of Newcastle disease virus isolates from domestic ducks in China, Infection, Genetics and Evolution,2015, 32:34-43
12)、Fei Zhao, Zongxi Han, Tingting Zhang, Yushao Hao, Xiangang Kong, Huijie Ma, Shengwang Liu*, Genomic characteristics and changes of avian infectious bronchitis virus strain CK/CH/LDL/97I after serial passages in chicken embryos, Intervirology,2014, 57(6):319-330
13)、Shengwang Liu*, Qianqian Xu, Zongxi Han, Xiaoli Liu, Huixin Li, Hongbo Guo, Nana Sun, Yuhao Shao, Xiangang Kong, Origin and characteristics of the recombinant novel avian infectious bronchitis coronavirus isolate ck/CH/LJL/111054, Infection, Genetics and Evolution,  2014, 23: 189-195
14)、Junfeng Sun, Zongxi Han, Yuhao Shao, Zhongzan Cao, Xiangang Kong , Shengwang Liu*, Comparative proteome analysis of tracheal tissues in response to infectious bronchitis coronavirus, Newcastle disease virus, and avian influenza virus H9 subtype virus infection, Proteomics,2014, 14(11):1403-1423
15)、Zongxi Han, Fei Zhao, Yuhao Shao, Xiaoli Liu, Xiangang Kong, Yang Song, Shengwang Liu*, Fine level epitope mapping and conservation analysis of two novel linear B-cell epitopes of the avian infectious bronchitis coronavirus nucleocapsid protein. Virus Research,2013,171(1):54-64
1)、刘胜旺,孔宪刚,韩宗玺,邵昱昊,李慧昕. 鸡传染性支气管炎病毒弱毒疫苗株及其应用,2011.3,中国,ZL200910128488.5
2)、刘胜旺,韩宗玺,邵昱昊,刘晓丽,孔宪刚. 鸡传染性支气管炎冷适应致弱疫苗株及其应用,2013. 3,中国,ZL 201110110461.0
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