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(4)通讯地址:哈尔滨市香坊区哈平路678号  保定市金诺兽药研究所
1997,09-2001,06  新疆农业大学      兽医学专业      农学学士
2001,09-2004,06  新疆农业大学      预防兽医学专业  农学硕士
2009,09-2012,06  东北农业大学      预防兽医学专业  农学博士
2004,07-2007,12  保定市金诺兽药研究所  研究实习员
2007,12-2014,12  保定市金诺兽药研究所  助理研究员
2014,12- 至今    保定市金诺兽药研究所  副研究员 
1. 黑龙江省自然科学基金面上项目:鸡IFITM1对新城疫病毒在靶细胞复制的影响及其作用分子机制(C201461、2014.07-2017.12),6万元;
2.“十二五” 国家科技支撑计划项目:禽流感等重要家禽疫病流行毒疫苗研究与开发(2015BAD12B03,2015.04-2019.12), 690万元;
3. 现代农业蛋鸡产业技术体系岗位科学家专项:鸡场生物安全与综合防控(CARS-40-K18,2016.01-2020.12),350万元;
4. 禽呼吸道病创新团队创新经费项目,2017.01-2019.12,660万元;
5. 科研院所基本科研业务费、兽医生物技术国家重点实验室专项等其他项目,2017年经费140余万元。
1. Zongxi Han,Lei Jiang,Yuqiu Chen, Wenjun Zhao, Junfeng Sun, Yan Zhao, Shengwang Liu*.Isolation and characteristics of the Arkansas type infectious bronchitis virus isolated in China.Avian diseases,2017,in press
2. Lei Jiang, Zongxi Han, Yuqiu Chen, Wenjun Zhao, Junfeng Sun, Yan Zhao, Shengwang Liu*.Characterization of the complete genome, antigenicity, pathogenicity, tissue tropism, and shedding of a recombinant avian infectious bronchitis virus with a ck/CH/LJL/140901-like backbone and an S2 fragment from a 4/91-like virus. Virus Research,2017,in press
3. Junfeng Sun, Zongxi Han, Tianming Qi, Ran Zhao, Shengwang Liu*.Chicken galectin-1B inhibits Newcastle disease virus adsorption and replication through binding to HN glycoprotein.Journal of Biological Chemistry,2017,in press
4. Lei Jiang, Wenjun Zhao, Zongxi Han, Yuqiu Chen, Yan Zhao, Junfeng Sun, Huixin Li, Yuhao Shao,Liangliang Liu, Shengwang Liu*.Genome characterization, antigenicity and pathogenicity of a novel infectious bronchitis virus type isolated from south China.Infection, Genetics and Evolution, 2017,54: 437-446
5. Ran Zhao, Junfeng Sun, Tianmin Qi, Wen Zhao, Zongxi Han, Xiaopu Yang,Shengwang Liu*. Recombinant Newcastle disease virus expressing the infectious bronchitis virus S1 gene protects chickens against Newcastle disease virus and infectious bronchitis virus challenge. Vaccine. 2017,35(18):2435-2442
6. Qianqian Xu, Junfeng Sun, Mengying Gao, Shasha Zhao, Huairan Liu, TingTing Zhang, Zongxi Han, Xiangang Kong, Shengwang Liu*.Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation,2017,29(4):489-498
7. Zongxi Han, Wenjun Zhao, Yuqiu Chen, Qianqian Xu, Junfeng Sun, Tingting Zhang,Yan Zhao, Shuling Liang, Mengying Gao, Qiuling Wang, Xiangang Kong, Shengwang Liu*. Genetic, antigenic, and pathogenic characteristics of avian infectious bronchitis viruses genotypically related to 793/B in China. Veterinary Microbiology, 2017,203:125-135
8. Wenjun Zhao, Mengying Gao, Qianqian Xu, Yang Xu, Yan Zhao, Yuqiu Chen,Tingting Zhang, Qiuling Wang, Zongxi Han, Huixin Li, Lingfeng Chen, Shuling Liang,Yuhao Shao, Shengwang Liu*. Origin and evolution of LX4 genotype infectious bronchitis coronavirus in China. Veterinary Microbiology,2017(198):9-16.
9. Yuqiu Chen, Lei Jiang, Wenjun Zhao, Liangliang Liu, Yan Zhao, Yuhao Shao, Huixin Li, Zongxi Han, Shengwang Liu*. Identification and molecular characterization of a novel serotype infectious bronchitis virus (GI-28) in China. Veterinary Microbiology,2017(198):108-115.
10. Zongxi Han, Tingting Zhang, Qianqian Xu, Mengying Gao, Yuqiu Chen, Qiuling Wang, Yan Zhao, Yuhao Shao, Huixin Li, Xiangang Kong, Shengwang Liu*, Altered pathogenicity of a tl/CH/LDT3/03 genotype infectious bronchitis coronavirus due to natural recombination in the 5′- 17 kb region of the genome. Virus Research,2016,213:140-148
11. Qianqian Xu, Zongxi Han, Qiuling Wang, Tingting Zhang, Mengying Gao, Yan Zhao, Yuhao Shao, Huixin Li, Xiangang Kong, Shengwang Liu*. Emergence of novel nephropathogenic infectious bronchitis viruses currently circulating in Chinese chicken flocks. Avian Pathology, 2016,45:1, 54-65.
12. Huixin Li, JuanWang, Liye Qiu, Zongxi Han, Shengwang Liu*. Fowl adenovirus species C serotype 4 is attributed to the emergence of hepatitis-hydropericardium syndrome in chickens in China. Infection, Genetics and Evolution,2016, 45:230-241.
13. Qianqian Xu, Yuqiu Chen, Wenjun Zhao, Tingting Zhang, Chenggang Liu, Tianming Qi, Zongxi Han, Yuhao Shao, Deying Ma ,Shengwang Liu*. Infection of Goose with Genotype VIId Newcastle Disease Virus of Goose Origin Elicits Strong Immune Responses at Early Stage. Frontiers in Microbiology. 2016, 7:1587.
14. Huixin Li, Yulong Wang, Zongxi Han, Yu Wang , Shulin Liang, Lu Jiang, Yonghao Hu, Xiangang Kong, Shengwang Liu*. Recombinant duck enteritis viruses expressing major structural proteins of the infectious bronchitis virus provide protection against infectious bronchitis in chickens. Antiviral Research. 2016, 130:19e26.
15. Mengying Gao, Qiuling Wang, Wenjun Zhao, Yuqiu Chen, Tingting Zhang, Zongxi Han,Qianqian Xu, Xiangang Kong, Shengwang Liu*. Serotype, antigenicity, and pathogenicity of a naturally recombinant TW I genotype infectious bronchitis coronavirus in China. Veterinary Microbiology,2016,191:1-8.
1. 刘胜旺,孔宪刚,韩宗玺,邵昱昊,李慧昕,鸡传染性支气管炎病毒弱毒疫苗株及其应用,2011.03.23,中国,ZL200910128488.5
2. 刘胜旺,韩宗玺,邵昱昊,刘晓丽,孔宪刚,鸡传染性支气管炎冷适应致弱疫苗株及其应用,2013.03.20,中国,ZL201110110461.0
3. 刘胜旺,李慧昕,韩宗玺,孔宪刚,表达增强型绿色荧光蛋白基因的鸭瘟病毒重组疫苗株及其构建方法和应用,2017.01.18,中国,ZL201410330828.3
4 刘胜旺,李慧昕,韩宗玺,王娟,邵昱昊,产蛋下降综合征诊断技术,NY/T 551-2017
1. 中国鸡传染性支气管病毒流行、变异机制及毒株资源库的建立,黑龙江省自然科学奖一等奖,刘胜旺、韩宗玺、邵昱昊、刘晓丽、孔宪刚,2015年
2. 新型禽用疫苗与诊断试剂研究团队奖,中华农业科技奖,优秀创新团队奖(等同于科研成果一等奖),王笑梅,刘胜旺,王云峰,刘长军,高玉龙,祁小乐,秦立廷,高宏雷,韩宗玺,邵昱昊,刘晓丽,李慧昕,张艳萍,李志杰,崔红玉,赵妍,王永强,2013年
3. 鸡传染性支气管炎活疫苗(LDT3-A株),2011新兽药证字(51)号,刘胜旺、韩宗玺、邵昱昊、孔宪刚,2011年
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