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1、Zongxi Han, Tingting Zhang, Qianqian Xu, Mengying Gao, Yuqiu Chen, Qiuling Wang, Yan Zhao, Yuhao Shao, Huixin Li, Xiangang Kong, Shengwang Liu*, Altered pathogenicity of a tl/CH/LDT3/03 genotype infectious bronchitis coronavirus due to natural recombination in the 5′- 17 kb region of the genome. Virus Research,Virus Research,2016,213:140-148
2、Qianqian Xu, Zongxi Han, Qiuling Wang, Tingting Zhang, Mengying Gao, Yan Zhao, Yuhao Shao, Huixin Li, Xiangang Kong, Shengwang Liu*. Emergence of novel nephropathogenic infectious bronchitis viruses currently circulating in Chinese chicken flocks. Avian Pathology, 2016,45:1, 54-65
3、Huixin Li, JuanWang, Liye Qiu, Zongxi Han, Shengwang Liu. Fowl adenovirus species C serotype 4 is attributed to the emergence of hepatitis-hydropericardium syndrome in chickens in China. Infection, Genetics and Evolution,2016, 45:230–241.
4、Qianqian Xu, Yuqiu Chen, Wenjun Zhao, Tingting Zhang, Chenggang Liu, Tianming Qi, Zongxi Han, Yuhao Shao, Deying Ma ,Shengwang Liu*. Infection of Goose with Genotype VIId Newcastle Disease Virus of Goose Origin Elicits Strong Immune Responses at Early Stage. Frontiers in Microbiology. 2016, 7:1587.
5、Huixin Li, Yulong Wang, Zongxi Han, Yu Wang , Shulin Liang, Lu Jiang, Yonghao Hu, Xiangang Kong, Shengwang Liu*. Recombinant duck enteritis viruses expressing major structural proteins of the infectious bronchitis virus provide protection against infectious bronchitis in chickens. Antiviral Research. 2016, 130:19e26.
6、Mengying Gao, Qiuling Wang, Wenjun Zhao, Yuqiu Chen, Tingting Zhang, Zongxi Han,Qianqian Xu, Xiangang Kong, Shengwang Liu*. Serotype, antigenicity, and pathogenicity of a naturally recombinant TW I genotype infectious bronchitis coronavirus in China. Veterinary Microbiology,2016,191:1-8.
7、Hai Li , Fengjie Wang , Zongxi Han, Qi Gao, Huixin Li, Yuhao Shao, Nana Sun Shengwang Liu*. Genome-wide gene expression analysis identifies the proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src as a crucial virulence determinant of the infectious laryngotracheitis virus in chicken cells. Journal of Virology, 2016, 90(1):9-21


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