1、个人简历 :
高立,女,1983年生,博士,副研究员。主要从事鸡传染性法氏囊病(IBD)、禽呼肠孤病毒病(AR)等禽免疫抑制病的致病机制及新型疫苗研究。主要研究内容:1)动物传染病疫苗研发:利用反向遗传操作技术快速致弱流行毒株并形成成熟候选疫苗株,相关研究已获得专利(ZL2010 1 0215328.7),对于应对疾病突发疫情意义重大。2)病原致病性分子机制研究:首次将IBDV VP1分为I、II、III 3个亚群,并首次证明VP1 N端145-147位氨基酸是VP1决定vvIBDV致病性的重要分子基础,进一步阐述三位点氨基酸不同则聚合酶活性不同,进而引起病毒复制能力的差异,是该基序影响病毒致病性的重要分子机制。3)病原与宿主相互作用研究:首次证明宿主eIF4AII通过与IBDV VP1之间的相互作用而抑制其聚合酶活性,进而限制IBDV的复制,eIF4AII是宿主抵抗IBDV感染的天然防御因子之一。4)病原流行病学:研究发现中国ARV流行毒株发生显着分子进化,且其致病性存在增强的趋势;结合当前ARV流行特点,建立cELISA抗体检测试剂盒。以上相关研究成果先后以第一作者身份发表在Vaccine、Journal of General Virology 、Scientific Reports、Antiviral Research等期刊。主持和承担了国家自然科学基金、国家重点研发计划、黑龙江省自然科学基金、中国博士后基金等多项科研项目。
3、教育经历 :
2011.9-2014.7,中国农业科学院 预防兽医学专业 博士;
2007.8-2010.7,中国农业科学院 预防兽医学专业 硕士;
2003.9-2007.7,山东农业大学 动物医学专业 学士。
[1] 国家自然科学基金,宿主eIF4AII因子与传染性法氏囊病病毒VP1相互作用对病毒复制的影响及其机制研究(31500129),24万元;
[2] “十三五” 国家重点研发计划项目, 家禽主要传染病综合防控研究及国际科技合作平台建设(2016YFE0203200,2017.09-2020.8), 839万元;
[3] 国家自然科学基金, 利用MDV载体递呈靶向ALV-J的CRISPR/Cas9系统预防MDV和ALV-J感染的研究(31600127),24万;
[4] 黑龙江省自然科学基金,利用CRISPR/Cas9技术预防禽网状内皮组织增生病病毒感染的研究(QC2016042),5万。
[1] Gao L, Li K, Zhong L, Zhang L, Qi X, Wang Y, Gao Y, Wang XM. Eukaryotic translational initiation factor 4AII reduces the replication of infectious bursal disease virus by inhibiting VP1 polymerase activity. Antiviral Research. Antiviral Res. 2017, 139: 102-111.
[2] Zhong L#, Gao L#, Liu Y, Li K, Wang M, Qi X, Gao Y, Wang XM. Genetic and pathogenic characterization of 11 avian reovirus isolates from northern China suggests continued evolution of virulence. Sci Rep. 2016, 6:35271. (co-first authors)
[3] Li Gao, Xiaole Qi, Kai Li, Honglei Gao, Yulong Gao, Liting Qin, Yongqiang Wang, Xiaomei Wang. Development of a tailored vaccine against challenge with very virulent infectious bursal disease virus of chickens using reverse genetics. Vaccine, 2011, 29: 5550-5557.
[4] Li Gao, Kai Li, Xiaole Qi, Honglei Gao, Yulong Gao, Liting Qin, Yongqiang Wang, Nan Shen, Xiangang Kong, Xiaomei Wang. The triplet amino acids located at 145/146/147 of the RNA polymerase of very virulent infectious bursal disease virus contribute to viral virulence. Journal of General Virology, 2014, 95: 888-897.
[5] Li K, Gao L, Gao H, Qi X, Gao Y, Qin L, Wang Y, Wang X. Recombinant infectious bursal disease virus expressing Newcastle disease virus (NDV) neutralizing epitope confers partial protection against virulent NDV challenge in chickens. Antiviral Res. 2014, 101:1-11.
[6] Li K, Gao L, Gao H, Qi X, Gao Y, Qin L, Wang Y, Wang X. Protection of chickens against reticuloendotheliosis virus infection by DNA vaccination. Vet Microbiol. 2013, 166(1-2):59-67.
[7] Li K, Gao L, Gao H, Qi X, Gao Y, Qin L, Wang Y, Wang X. Codon optimization and woodchuck hepatitis virus posttranscriptional regulatory element enhance the immune responses of DNA vaccines against infectious bursal disease virus in chickens. Virus Res. 2013, 175(2):120-7.
[8] Li K, Gao H, Gao L, Qi X, Gao Y, Qin L, Wang Y, Wang X. Enhancement of humoral and cellular immunity in chickens against reticuloendotheliosis virus by DNA prime-protein boost vaccination. Vaccine. 2013, 31(15):1944-9.
[9] Li K, Gao H, Gao L, Qi X, Gao Y, Qin L, Wang Y, Wang X. Adjuvant effects of interleukin-18 in DNA vaccination against infectious bursal disease virus in chickens. Vaccine. 2013, 31(14):1799-805.
[10] Li K, Gao H, Gao L, Qi X, Gao Y, Qin L, Wang Y, Wang X. Recombinant gp90 protein expressed in Pichia pastoris induces a protective immune response against reticuloendotheliosis virus in chickens. Vaccine. 2012, 30(13):2273-81.
[11] Li K, Liu Y, Zhang Y, Gao L, Liu C, Cui H, Qi X, Gao Y, Zhong L, Wang X. Protective efficacy of a novel recombinant Marek's disease virus vector vaccine against infectious bursal disease in chickens with or without maternal antibodies. Vet Immunol Immunopathol. 2017, 186:55-59.
[12] Li K, Liu Y, Liu C, Gao L, Gao Y, Zhang Y, Cui H, Qi X, Zhong L, Wang X. Evaluation of two strains of Marek's disease virus serotype 1 for the development of recombinant vaccines against very virulent infectious bursal disease virus. Antiviral Res. 2017, 139:153-160.
[13] Li K, Liu Y, Liu C, Gao L, Zhang Y, Cui H, Gao Y, Qi X, Zhong L, Wang X. Recombinant Marek's disease virus type 1 provides full protection against very virulent Marek's and infectious bursal disease viruses in chickens. Sci Rep. 2016, 6: 39263.
[14] Li K, Liu Y, Liu C, Gao L, Zhang Y, Gao Y, Cui H, Qi X, Zhong L, Wang X. Effects of different promoters on the protective efficacy of recombinant Marek's disease virus type 1 expressing the VP2 gene of infectious bursal disease virus. Vaccine. 2016, 34(47): 5744-5750.
[15] Chunyan Han, Xiangwei Zeng, Shuai Yao, Li Gao, Lizhou Zhang, Xiaole Qi, Yulu Duan, Bo Yang, Yulong Gao, Changjun Liu, Yanping Zhang, Yongqiang Wang, Xiaomei Wang. Voltage-Dependent Anion Channel 1 Interacts with Ribonucleoprotein Complexes To Enhance Infectious Bursal Disease Virus Polymerase Activity. Journal of virology. 2017, 91(16): e00584-17.
1.王笑梅,祁小乐,高玉龙,高宏雷,秦立庭,王永强,高立,鸡传染性法氏囊病病毒重组弱毒疫苗株及其应用(ZL2010 1 0215328.7)
2.李凯,刘长军,王笑梅,张艳萍,高玉龙,崔红玉,高立,马立克氏病病毒弱毒疫苗814株的反向遗传操作系统及其在病毒拯救中的应用,201510200990. 8
4.王笑梅,李凯,刘长军,张艳萍,崔红玉,祁小乐,高立,高玉龙,王永强,高宏雷,表达传染性法氏囊病毒VP2基因的重组鸡马立克氏病病毒疫苗株及其构建方法和应用,20161014733 9.3
5.李凯,高玉龙,王笑梅,刘长军,张艳萍,崔红玉,高立,祁小乐,王永强,表达J亚群禽白血病病毒Gag和Env基因的重组鸡马立克氏病病毒疫苗株及其构建方法和应用,20161 0147336.X