(2)电话:15804519121 / 0451-51051883
(3)邮箱: huangliping@caas.cn
2000.09-2004.06 西南农业大学 动物医学专业 学士
2006.09-2009.06 中国农业科学院研究生院 预防兽医学专业 硕士
1991.09-1996.06 中国农业科学院研究生院 预防兽医学专业 博士
2017.01-至今 保定市金诺兽药研究所 副研究员
2012.11-2016.12 保定市金诺兽药研究所 助理研究员
2010.11-2012.11 比利时根特大学 联合培养博士研究生
2004.07-2006.07 天津畜牧兽医研究所 研究实习员
1. 国家自然科学基金青年基金,猪圆环病毒2型Cap和Rep蛋白相互作用及其在病毒组装过程中的功能(31302110,2014.01-2016.12),22万元;
2. 黑龙江省自然科学基金面上项目,展示猪圆环病毒2 型广谱构象中和表位疫苗毒株抗原性研究(C2015064,2015.07-2018.07),6万元;
3. 哈尔滨市应用技术研究和开发项目(青年后备人才A类),猪圆环病毒2型抗体和抗原检测试剂盒的开发(2015RAQYJ066,2016.07-2017.12), 4万元
1. Huang L, Van Renne N, Liu C, et al. A sequence of basic residues in the porcine circovirus type 2 capsid protein is crucial for its co-expression and co-localization with the replication protein. J Gen Virol. 2015 Sep 28. doi: 10.1099/jgv.0.000302.
2. Huang L, Zhang F, Tang Q, et al. A recombinant porcine circovirus type 2 expressing the VP1 epitope of the type O foot-and-mouth disease virus is infectious and induce both PCV2 and VP1 epitope antibodies. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol. 2014, 98:9339-9350.
3. Liping Huang,Yiping Wang,Yanwu Wei,et al. Capsid proteins from PCV2a genotype confer greater protection against a PCV2b strain than those from PCV2b genotype in pigs: evidence for PCV2b strains becoming more predominant than PCV2a strains from 2000 to 2010s. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol,2016,100:5933–5943.)
4.Sun JH, Huang LP, Wei YW, etal. Prevalence Of emerging porcine parvoviruses and their co-infections with porcine circovirus type 2 in China. Archives of Virology, 2015, 160(5): 1339-1344. (共同第1作者)
5. Jianhui Sun, Liping Huang, Yanwu Wei, et al. Identification of three PPV1 VP2 protein-specific B cell linear epitopes using monoclonal antibodies against baculovirus-expressed recombinant VP2 protein. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol, DOI 10.1007/s00253-015-6790-z. (共同第1作者)
6. Sun EC, Huang LP, Xu QY, et al. Emergence of a Novel Bluetongue Virus Serotype, China 2014. Transboundary and Emerging Diseases 2016, 63: 585–589 (共同第1作者)
7. Huang L.P., Lu Y.H., Wei Y.W., Guo L.J., Liu C.M. Identification of three new type-specific antigen epitopes in the capsid protein of porcine circovirus type 1. Archives of Virology 2012, DOI: 10.1007/s00705-012-1268-0.
8. Saha D.*, Huang L.P.*, Bussalleu E., Lefebvre D., Fort M., Doorsselaere J.V., Nauwynck H.J. Antigenic subtyping and epitopes’ competition analysis of porcine circovirus type 2 using monoclonal antibodies. Veterinary Microbiology 2012, 157:13–22. (共同第1作者)
9. Huang L.P., Lu Y.H., Wei Y.W., Guo L.J., Wu H.L., Zhang F.Y., Fu Y.J., Liu C.M. Construction and biological characterisation of recombinant porcine circovirus type 2 expressing the V5 epitope tag. Virus Research 2011, 161:115–23.
10. Huang L.P., Lu Y.H., Wei Y.W., Guo L.J., Liu C.M. Identification of one critical amino acid that determines a conformational neutralizing epitope in the capsid protein of porcine circovirus type 2. BMC Microbiology 2011, 22:188.
11. Huang LP, Lu Y, Wei Y, Guo L, Liu C. Development of a blocking ELISA for detection of serum neutralizing antibodies against porcine circovirus type 2. Journal of Virol Methods 2011, 171: 26–33.
3.刘长明,黄立平,危艳武,陆月华,表达V5表位标签的重组猪圆环病毒2型毒株及其应用, ZL20101059197.1
4. 刘长明,危艳武,陆月华,黄立平.猪圆环病毒2型灭活疫苗(LG株),中国人民共和国新兽药证书, 2010.9.19,农业部,(2010)新兽药证字30号