1991.09-1994.06 南京农业大学 兽医病理学专业 农学硕士
1994.09-1997.06 南京农业大学 兽医病理学专业 农学博士
1997-1999 中国农科院哈尔滨兽医研究所 博士后/副研究员
2000-2003 美国Emory大学医学院微生物学与免疫学系 博士后
2003-2013 中国农科院哈尔滨兽医研究所 博士生导师/研究员
2015-2016 中国农科院哈尔滨兽医研究所 副所长/研究员
2016-至今 中国农科院哈尔滨兽医研究所 所长/研究员
1.公益性行业科研专项,牛布鲁氏菌病诊断技术集成研究,(200903027,2009.01-2013.12), 111万;
4.国家重大科技专项,动物布氏杆菌病原谱流行规律研究,(2012ZX10004-214-003,2012.01-2015.12) ,40.03万;
1. Liu R, Ge J, Wang J, Wen Z, Bu Z. Newcastle disease virus-based MERS-CoV candidate vaccine elicits high-level and lasting neutralizing antibodies in Bactrian camels. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 2017, 16(10): 2264-2273.
2. Shuai, L., Wang, X., Wen, Z., Ge, J., Wang, J., Zhao, D., Bu, Z. Genetically modified rabies virus-vectored Ebola virus disease vaccines are safe and induce efficacious immune responses in mice and dogs. Antiviral research, 2017, 146, 36-44.
3. Shuai, L., Feng, N., Wang, X., Ge, J., Wen, Z., Chen, W., Qin, L., Xia, X., Bu, Z. Genetically modified rabies virus ERA strain is safe and induces long-lasting protective immune response in dogs after oral vaccination. Antiviral research, 2015, 121, 9-15.
4. Fangkun Wang*, Zujian Qiao*, Sen Hu, Wenxing Liu, Huajun Zheng, Sidang Liu, Xiaomin Zhao, Zhigao Bu. Comparison of Genomes of Brucella melitensis M28 and the B.melitensis M5-90 Derivative Vaccine Strain Highlights the Translation Elongation Factor Tu Gene tuf2 as an Attenuation-Related Gene. Infection and Immunity, 2013, 81(8):2812.
5. Fangkun Wang, Sen Hu, Yuzhe Gao, Zujian Qiao, Wenxing Liu, and Zhigao Bu*. Complete Genome Sequences of Brucella melitensis Strains M28 and M5-90, with Different Virulence Backgrounds. Journal of Bacteriology, 2011, 2904–2905.
6. Jinying Ge, Xijun Wang, Lihong Tao, Zhiyuan Wen, Na Feng, Songtao Yang, Xianzhu Xia, Chinglai Yang, Hualan Chen, and Zhigao Bu. Newcastle Disease Virus-Vectored Rabies Vaccine Is Safe, Highly Immunogenic, and Provides Long-Lasting Protection in Dogs and Cats. Journal of virology, 2011, 8241-8252.
7. Lihong Tao, Jinying Ge, Xijun Wang, Zhiyuan Wen, Hongyue Zhai, Tao Hua, Bolin Zhao, Dongni Kong, Chinglai Yang and Zhigao Bu. Generation of a recombinant rabies Flury LEP virus carrying an additional G gene creates an improved seed virus for inactivated vaccine production. Virology Journal. 2011, 8:454.
8. Jinying Ge, Guohua Deng, Zhiyuan Wen, Guobing Tian, Yong Wang, Jianzhong Shi, Xijun Wang, Yanbing Li, Sen Hu, Yongping Jiang, Chinglai Yang, Kangzhen Yu, Zhigao Bu*, and Hualan Chen*. Newcastle Disease Virus-Based Live Attenuated Vaccine Completely Protects Chickens and Mice from Lethal Challenge of Homologous and Heterologous H5N1 Avian Influenza Viruses. Journal of Virology, 2007, 81:150-158.
1. 步志高,王笑梅,葛金英,表达传染性法氏囊病毒VP2基因的重组新城疫LaSota弱毒疫苗株,ZL200610001693.1。
2. 步志高,葛金英,表达狂犬病病毒糖蛋白(GP蛋白)的重组新城疫LaSota弱毒疫苗株,ZL200810222777.7。
3. 步志高,陶丽红,葛金英,狂犬病病毒Flury-LEP疫苗株反向遗传操作系统及LEP绿色荧光蛋白重组病毒载体,ZL200910088976.8。
4. 步志高,陈化兰,葛金英,表达禽流感病毒H9亚型HA蛋白的重组新城疫LaSota弱毒疫苗株,200810222776.2。
5. 步志高,陶丽红,葛金英,嵌合狂犬病病毒株rLEP333Q-L(H)的构建及其生物学功能的研究,ZL201010121637.8。
6. 步志高,陶丽红,葛金英,双表达G基因的重组狂犬病病毒的构建及其生物学特性分析,ZL201010002972.6。
7. 步志高,夏咸柱,王喜军,杨松涛,葛金英,表达狂犬G蛋白的重组CDV/R-20/8疫苗株的构建,ZL201010243794.6。
8. 步志高,夏咸柱,王喜军,葛金英,杨松涛,冯娜,狂犬病毒Evelyn-Rokitnicki-Abelseth (ERA)减毒活疫苗候选株的构建与筛选,ZL201010109153.1。
9. 步志高,夏咸柱,王喜军,高玉伟,葛金英,犬瘟热病毒CDV/R-20/8疫苗株反向遗传操作系统及其应用,ZL201010226994.0。
10. 步志高,王喜军,葛金英,狂犬病毒DNA疫苗的构建与应用,ZL201310125911.2。
1. 禽流感、新城疫重组二联活疫苗,国家科学技术发明二等奖,陈化兰,步志高,葛金英,田国斌,李雁冰,邓国华,2007年.
2. 重大外来新发人兽共患烈性传染病防控技术储备研究,中国农业科学院科技进步二等奖,步志高,胡森,王喜军,葛金英,2007年。