The research team on animal influenza prevention and control published a review article in Trends in Biotechnology-Research Progress-HARBIN VETERINARY RESEARCH INSTITUTE,CAAS
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Avian Respiratory Diseases Division

 We are focusing on the important avian viral respiratory diseases, including avian infectious bronchitis (IB), avian Newcastle disease (ND), avian infectious laryngotracheitis (AILT) and also carrying out researches on major or emerging viral diseases of waterfowl, such as avian Tembusu viral disease, duck viral hepatitis and duck viral enteritis. The research interests are surveillance, development of vaccine,diagnostic reagents and preventive techniques and mechanism of pathogenicity and immune response.

  Shengwang Liu, Ph.D., Professor
Research Interests
Surveillance of avian infectious respiratory disease viruses;
Development of vaccine, diagnostic reagents and preventive techniques on avian infectious respiratory disease;
Mechanism of pathogenicity and immune response of avian infectious respiratory disease viruses.
Principle Investigato
Academic Education background :
B.A., 1995, Basic Veterinary Science, Gansu Agricultural University, China.
Ph.D., 1998, Preventive Veterinary Science, The Graduate School of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (GSCAAS), China.
Postdoctoral Fellow, 1998-2000, Quartermaster University of PLA.
Assistant Researcher, 2000-2003, Harbin Veterinary Research Institute, CAAS .
Professor, 2003-, Harbin Veterinary Research Institute, CAAS
1. Member

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