2012.08-2013.12 日本学术振兴机构,博士后
2014.01-2016.06 东京大学医科学研究所 ,博士后
2016.6至今 保定市金诺兽药研究所,科研骨干一级/研究员
2018.7至今 中国农业科学院 ,“青年英才”院级入选者
1. 国家十三五重点研发计划:生物安全关键技术研发重点专项2018年度项目,总经费1415万元,2018.8-2021.6,项目主持人;
2. 中国农业科学院“青年英才”引进工程配套项目:狂犬病病毒嗜神经性生物学基础(2018.07-2023.07),300万;
3. 院所长基金:狂犬病毒入侵宿主及其在体内复制的分子机制研究(1610302017006)(2017.01-2019.12),261万;
4. 兽医生物技术国家重点实验室自主课题:(2018.01-2021.12),240万
(1)Zhao D, Liang L, Wang S, Nakao T, Li Y, Liu L, Guan Y, Fukuyama S, Bu Z, Kawaoka Y, Chen H. 2017. Glycosylation of the Hemagglutinin Protein of H5N1 Influenza Virus Increases Its Virulence in Mice by Exacerbating the Host Immune Response. J Virol 91:e02215-02216.
(2)Zhao D, Fukuyama S, Yamada S, Lopes TJ, Maemura T, Katsura H, Ozawa M, Watanabe S, Neumann G, Kawaoka Y. 2015. Molecular Determinants of Virulence and Stability of a Reporter-Expressing H5N1 Influenza A Virus. J Virol 89:11337-11346.
(3)Zhao D, Fukuyama S, Sakai-Tagawa Y, Takashita E, Shoemaker JE, Kawaoka Y. 2015. C646, a Novel p300/CREB-Binding Protein-Specific Inhibitor of Histone Acetyltransferase, Attenuates Influenza A Virus Infection. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 60:1902-1906.
(4) Fukuyama S, Katsura H, Zhao D, Ozawa M, Ando T, Shoemaker JE, Ishikawa I, Yamada S, Neumann G, Watanabe S, Kitano H, Kawaoka Y. 2015. Multi-spectral fluorescent reporter influenza viruses (Color-flu) as powerful tools for in vivo studies. Nat Commun 6:6600. (Co-first author)
(5)Zhao D, Liang L, Li Y, Liu L, Guan Y, Jiang Y, Chen H. 2012. Proteomic analysis of the lungs of mice infected with different pathotypes of H5N1 avian influenza viruses. Proteomics 12:1970-1982.